Transportation Guidelines


Items carried onto buses:

At no time are carry on items to extend into the aisle, be packed higher than a seat back, be packed in a fashion that will allow the item to become a projectile or cause damage to the bus in any way.

Forbidden Items:

Any firearms, flammable liquids, or any other weapons or explosives

Any pets, animals or any other living creature

Any pointed items unless carried in a closed container

Any school project that cannot be held in a student's lap

Any large musical instruments (tuba, baritone and tenor saxophones,  French horn, cello, guitar, drums)

Electronic Devices of any kind that may interfere with communication of Bus while on route to & from School and School activities

Extra-large athletic bags including catcher's equipment bags, and goalie bags

Glass containers, bottles, balloons, or fragile items

Visible cell phones

Any other items not mentioned above that, after inspection,

are deemed inappropriate for safety reasons

Any Tobacco Products & Other related items , lighters etc.

Appropriate Items:

(if not stored on student's lap, student must be seated by window not blocking an exit and item must be against the window in an upright position)

Musical instruments (exceptions noted above)

Athletic equipment bags (exceptions noted above)

Athletic equipment including  (all athletic equipment should be transported in an equipment bag - for example, baseball bats, field hockey sticks, etc.)

Student projects (When held on student's lap)

Important Note to Guidelines: 

The ability of the student to maneuver to exit the bus in various situations may be determined by ridership, age of the child, and items the student carries. For example, a third grade student with a large backpack may create an unsafe situation if one of the above items were carried on the bus in addition to the backpack. Therefore, for elementary students, the above guidelines are based on the individual situation and subject to change.