Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I enroll my child?
A: You will need the following information to enroll your child:
1. Valid birth certificate
2. Copy of your child's Social Security card
3. Immunization record (#3231)
4. Ear, Eye, and Denial record (E.E.D. #3300)
5. Proof of residence
Q: What are the school hours?
A: All schools doors open at 7:30 am, Tardy Bell Warning at 7:45 am,
Tardy Bell at 7:50 am, and School dismisses at 2:50 pm
Q: How can I monitor my child's progress?
A: Stay in touch with your child's teachers. Powerschool offers the
ability to monitor your child's grades.
Q: How do I know which bus my child will ride?
A: A Transportation Department representative will be available during
Open House. But during the year, you may contact the Transportation
Department at 229-482-3966.
Q: When will report cards be sent home?
A: All Lanier County Schools are on a nine week grading period.
Progress reports will be sent during the grading period.