Procedures for Public Participation in BOE Meetings

The Lanier County Board of Education welcomes community members to attend its meetings to gain insight into the Board's role and the operations of the Lanier County School System. Citizens are encouraged to share their concerns and perspectives on educational matters. 


During regular Board meetings, a designated portion of the agenda may be set aside for public comments. Persons desiring to participate in public comment should sign up to speak no later than 15 minutes prior to the start time of the meeting.


Before bringing an issue to the Board, individuals are encouraged to first seek resolution through school-level administrators, district-level administrators, and the Superintendent.

When addressing the Board, speakers should:

  • State their name and the topic of concern.
  • Limit their remarks to three minutes, as enforced by the Chairman.


The Board will not respond to comments made by the speaker during public participation unless a member of the Board chooses to ask a question, however, the Superintendent may follow up as needed to address concerns.


The Board request that multiple speakers from a group or organization appoint a single representative to address the Board.