School Bus Infractions


Lanier County School bus riding is a privilege that may be limited or revoked by school officials. All students shall conform to bus rules and guidelines. The following mandatory bus dispositions shall be imposed. Suspension of transportation privileges includes regular transportation to and from school. Transportation privileges for field trips, athletic events, club events, competitions, and other extracurricular activities may be suspended at the discretion of the principal and/or superintendent.

Riding a bus to/from school while serving a bus suspension will result in the doubling of the number of days of the original suspension.

*ROY – Remainder of the School Year


Suspended from Riding the Bus

Level 1 – Misbehaviors that warrant referral procedures
List includes but is not limited to:
• Refusing to obey driver
• Throwing items on, around, or off the bus
• Improper boarding or exiting procedures
• Pushing, tripping, horse playing with other students
• Standing in the aisles
• Hanging out the windows
• Eating/chewing/drinking on the bus
• Making unnecessary/extremely loud noise(S)
• Tampering with bus equipment
• Displaying rude, discourteous, or annoying conduct
• Other sexual misconduct
• Profanity/offensive languages/gestures
• Use of any electronic device during the operation of the bus that may disrupt the driver

Consequences for Level 1 Offenses:
1st Offense: Driver documents and verbally
warns student
2nd Offense: Driver documents and
administrator conferences with student and contacts parent by phone or letter
3rd and Subsequent Offenses-Bus Suspension as Follows:

Offense          PK-5th Grade     6th-12th Grade

                                                      3rd Offense                     1-3 Days                          5 Days
                                                      4th Offense                      5 Days                           10 Days
                                                      5th Offense                     10 Days                           15 Days
                                                      6th Offense                     15 Days                             ROY*
                                                      7th Offense                       ROY*

Level 2 – Misbehaviors that warrant immediate bus suspension
List includes but is not limited to:
• Severe profanity/offensive language/gestures
• Possession or use of Tobacco or Electronic Smoking Devices
• Vandalism of property
• Sexual Harassment
• Bullying/threatening/intimidating
• Any other action that poses an immediate or direct threat to the safe operation of the bus including, but not limited to, using mirrors, lasers, flash cameras, or any other lights or reflective devices, or throwing any items in a manner that might interfere with the school bus driver’s operation of the school bus
• Any action that requires a student’s removal from a bus by a school employee or by law enforcement officer will be considered a Level 2 Offense.
ROY = Rest of the Year

Consequences for Level 2 Offenses:

Offense          PK-5th Grade  6th-12th Grade

                                                       1st Offense                      5 Days                           10 Days
                                                       2nd Offense                    10 Days                          10 Days
                                                       3rd Offense                     15 Days                          15 Days
                                                       4th Offense                       ROY*

Level 3 – Misbehaviors that are criminal law offenses included but not limited to:
• Sexual Battery and offenses
• Assault/battery against employee
• Assault/battery against student
• Possession or use of alcohol
• Possession or use of drugs
• Possession or use of weapons
• Bomb Threats
• Other criminal law violations

Consequences for Level 3 Offenses:

Automatic bus suspension indefinitely.
Students in grades 6-12 accumulating any combination of 4 (level 1 and 2) referrals will be removed for the ROY.
Students in grades K-5 accumulating any combination of 5 (level 1and 2) referrals will be removed for the ROY.